Yasso 800 Calculator

What is the Yasso 800 Calculator?

The Yasso 800 Calculator is a popular tool used by runners to predict their marathon finish time based on their performance in a series of 800-meter repeats. Developed by running coach Bart Yasso, the Yasso 800s have become a widely used method for runners to gauge their marathon potential.

How does the Yasso 800 Calculator work?

The Yasso 800 Calculator works on the principle that the time it takes to complete ten 800-meter repeats (Yasso 800s) can be correlated to the runner’s potential marathon finish time. For example, if a runner is able to consistently complete each 800-meter repeat in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, their predicted marathon finish time would be 3 hours and 30 minutes.

To use the Yasso 800 Calculator, a runner would complete a series of 800-meter repeats at their goal marathon pace. By tracking their times for each repeat, they can input their fastest time into the calculator to receive a predicted marathon finish time.

Yasso 800 Calculator

Benefits of using the Yasso 800 Calculator

Using the Yasso 800 Calculator can provide runners with a realistic goal to aim for in their marathon training. By following a structured training plan that includes Yasso 800s, runners can track their progress and make adjustments as needed to improve their performance.

Additionally, the Yasso 800 Calculator can help runners determine if they are on track to meet their marathon goals. If a runner is consistently hitting their target times for the 800-meter repeats, they can have confidence that they are prepared for race day.

Tips for using the Yasso 800 Calculator

When using the Yasso 800 Calculator, it’s important for runners to follow a structured training plan that includes a mix of speedwork, tempo runs, and long runs. By incorporating the Yasso 800s into their training routine, runners can improve their speed and endurance for race day.

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It’s also important for runners to listen to their bodies and adjust their training as needed. If a runner is consistently struggling to hit their target times for the 800-meter repeats, they may need to make adjustments to their training plan or seek guidance from a coach.


The Yasso 800 Calculator is a valuable tool for runners looking to predict their marathon finish time and set realistic goals for their training. By incorporating Yasso 800s into their training routine, runners can track their progress, improve their performance, and increase their chances of success on race day.