Convert Complex Numbers To Polar Form Calculator

Convert Complex Numbers To Polar Form Calculator

Complex numbers are numbers that have both a real and an imaginary component. They are typically written in the form a + bi, where “a” is the real part and “bi” is the imaginary part. Polar form, on the other hand, represents a complex number using its magnitude and angle.

Converting complex numbers to polar form can be useful in various mathematical applications, such as signal processing, electrical engineering, and physics. The process involves determining the magnitude (r) and the angle (θ) of the complex number.

How to Convert Complex Numbers to Polar Form

Convert Complex Numbers To Polar Form Calculator

To convert a complex number from rectangular form to polar form, you can use the following formula:

r = √(a^2 + b^2)

θ = arctan(b/a)

Where “a” is the real part of the complex number, and “b” is the imaginary part. Once you have found the values of r and θ, you can write the complex number in polar form as r(cos(θ) + i sin(θ)).

Example of Converting a Complex Number to Polar Form

Let’s say we have the complex number 3 + 4i. To convert this number to polar form, we first need to find the values of r and θ:

r = √(3^2 + 4^2) = √(9 + 16) = √25 = 5

θ = arctan(4/3) = 53.13 degrees

Therefore, the complex number 3 + 4i in polar form is 5(cos(53.13) + i sin(53.13)).

Using a Calculator to Convert Complex Numbers

If you find the manual calculations for converting complex numbers to polar form too tedious, you can use an online calculator to simplify the process. These calculators allow you to input the real and imaginary parts of the complex number and will automatically compute the magnitude and angle for you.

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By using a calculator, you can quickly convert complex numbers to polar form and focus on analyzing and interpreting the results rather than spending time on the calculations.

Applications of Polar Form in Engineering

Polar form is widely used in engineering disciplines such as signal processing and electrical engineering. In signal processing, complex numbers in polar form are used to represent sinusoidal signals, which are essential for understanding the frequency and phase of a signal.

In electrical engineering, polar form is used to represent the impedance of circuits, which is crucial for analyzing and designing electrical systems. By converting complex numbers to polar form, engineers can simplify calculations and make more informed decisions in their designs.


Converting complex numbers to polar form is a valuable skill in various mathematical and engineering applications. By understanding the process and using tools such as online calculators, you can efficiently convert complex numbers and leverage the benefits of polar form representation.