Put Call Parity Calculator

Understanding Put Call Parity Calculator

Put Call Parity is a financial concept that helps investors understand the relationship between the prices of put options and call options on the same underlying asset. It is essentially an equation that shows the equilibrium between the prices of these two options, taking into account factors such as interest rates and dividends.

How Does Put Call Parity Work?

Put Call Parity is based on the principle that if the prices of put and call options deviate from the equilibrium, it creates an opportunity for arbitrage. This means that traders can take advantage of the difference in prices to make a risk-free profit.

The Put Call Parity equation is as follows:

Put Call Parity Calculator

Call Price – Put Price = Stock Price – Present Value of Exercise Price

This equation shows that the difference between the call price and the put price should be equal to the difference between the stock price and the present value of the exercise price. If there is a deviation from this equality, it presents an arbitrage opportunity.

Using a Put Call Parity Calculator

Calculating Put Call Parity manually can be complex and time-consuming due to the various factors involved. However, there are several online tools and calculators available that can make this process much easier.

A Put Call Parity Calculator allows investors to input the relevant data, such as the prices of put and call options, the stock price, the exercise price, and the interest rate. The calculator then automatically computes whether there is a disparity between the prices and if there is an arbitrage opportunity.

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Benefits of Using a Put Call Parity Calculator

Using a Put Call Parity Calculator offers several advantages to investors:

  • Efficiency: By automating the calculation process, investors can save time and effort.
  • Accuracy: Calculators provide accurate results, reducing the risk of errors in manual calculations.
  • Opportunity identification: Calculators can quickly indicate when there is a potential arbitrage opportunity, allowing investors to take action promptly.
  • Educational tool: Using a calculator can help investors understand the Put Call Parity concept better and how it applies in real-world trading scenarios.

How to Use a Put Call Parity Calculator

Using a Put Call Parity Calculator is straightforward and user-friendly. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Input the current prices of the put and call options.
  2. Enter the stock price and the exercise price of the options.
  3. Input the prevailing interest rate, which is a crucial factor in the Put Call Parity equation.
  4. Click on the calculate button to obtain the results.

Once you have the results, the calculator will indicate whether there is a disparity between the prices of the put and call options and if there is an arbitrage opportunity available. You can then decide on your trading strategy based on this information.


A Put Call Parity Calculator is a valuable tool for investors looking to understand and take advantage of the relationship between put and call options. By automating the calculation process and providing accurate results, calculators can help traders identify arbitrage opportunities and make informed decisions in their trading activities. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, using a Put Call Parity Calculator can enhance your understanding of this important financial concept and improve your overall trading strategy.